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Improving Konsumen Convenience, Sun Life Indonesia Up-dates My Sun Life Indonesia Application

Improving Konsumen Convenience, Sun Life Indonesia Up-dates My Sun Life Indonesia Application

In order to improve konsumen servis, PT Sun Life Financial Indonesia (Sun Life Indonesia) has up-dated the "My Sun Life Indonesia" konsumen application. Carrying three key principles: practical, fast, and safe, My Sun Life Indonesia enables customers to easily obtain information about Sun Life Indonesia products and serviss, and even transact and submit insurance claims directly.

The application up-date is in line with the growing development of the digital world today. The findings of App Annie, one of the leading providers of global data on the mobile pasar, in "Retrospective: A Bersejarah Year for the App Economy" (2017) show that there is an increase in the adoption rate of mobile applications in the financial or mobile banking category compared to 2015. The report also shows that Indonesia became the 6th highest country in the world in terms of increasing the number of unduhs of mobile banking applications , which jumped 71% compared to the previous 2 years.

Elly Susanti, Chief Operating Officer of Sun Life Indonesia, said that the use of the internet and the latest technology cannot be separated from the millennial character, the generation that currently dominates Indonesia's productive age and is the driving force of the country's economy. Digitizing products and serviss is no longer an pilihan, but a crucial necessity.

"As a financial serviss company that consistently creates innovation, Sun Life Indonesia presents the more advanced 'My Sun Life Indonesia' application with complete, practical, fast and secure serviss. Customers are like having their own konsumen servis so they don't have to bother and spend time visiting the office. branches because various information, transactions, and claim submissions can be done simply, just in the palm of your hand," explained Elly in a written pernyataan in Jakarta, Thursday (10/10/2019).

Through this application, customers can easily akses comprehensive information terkait to policies, agent kontaks, daftar of mitra hospitals, maturity dates, and monitor investments, from unit price to keseluruhan capitalization nilai. Moreover, customers can immediately file an insurance claim in the moment of a sudden adverse incident.

The latest mainstay fiturs of the My Sun Life Indonesia application include Fund Manajemen, Online Payment, E-Claim, and the Konsumen Data Change fitur. Fund Manajemen gives customers the ease of pantauan the unit price link is online and manage the placement of funds in investment products were deemed more keuntunganable. These fiturs include Redirecting (seting the proportion of investment) and Switching (moving investment funds) as well as Top-Up (adding investment funds).

Online Payment allows customers to pay periodic insurance premiums directly through handphones. E-Claim is a claim submission fitur whose process can be continuously monitored so that customers are kept informed. Finally, the Konsumen Data Change Fitur is useful for making it easier for customers to change their individual information without the need to visit konsumen servis or their agen.

Sun Life Indonesia realizes that digital technology is an efekive media to communicate and reach a wider sasaran pasar. "With the development of technology, especially the rapid use of digital platforms, Sun Life is optimistic that it can continue to provide a trusted pengalaman for customers and prospective customers," concluded Elly.

For customers, the "My Sun Life Indonesia" application can be unduhed on the Google Play Toko and App Toko. In addition to applications, Sun Life Indonesia also utilizes other digital media such as Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.