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AXA Indonesia App Collaborates with DANA, Buying This is about Insurance So Easy

AXA Indonesia App Collaborates with DANA, Buying This is about Insurance So Easy Jadi

AXA Financial Indonesia (AFI) dan Berdikari AXA General Insurance (MAGI) are expanding akses to purchase life and health insurance products through the DANA application. (Also read: Digital Wallet Transactions Jump, Make Leather Wallets More Tepos ) "In accordance with AXA's goal of acting for the betterment of people by protecting what is most important to them, AXA has a strong ambition to become a driving force for insurance penetration with insurance solutions that are accessible to all. society. AXA in Indonesia is proud to be able to dukungan the expansion of economic inclusion in Indonesia," said Julien Steimer, Country CEO of AXA Indonesia dan President Commissioner of Berdikari AXA General Insurance.

As a concrete action in expanding financial inclusion in the insurance industry, AXA Financial Indonesia (AFI) and Berdikari AXA General Insurance (MAGI), as a company providing life and health protection, collaborated with DANA, an Indonesian digital wallet company. This collaboration aims to continue to increase insurance penetration by expanding public akses to the best protection with ease through technology.

"In an usaha to increase penetration and public awareness of insurance, AXA Financial Indonesia is committed to providing a variety of comprehensive life protection solutions that suit the needs and abilities of the Indonesian people. We strive to always innovate and present customer-focused life and health insurance solutions and provide easy akses for everyone to have and pengalaman the benefits of insurance protection," said Niharika Yadav, President Director of AXA Financial Indonesia.

Through this collaboration with DANA, AXA Financial Indonesia markets the AXA Teman dekat Jiwa life insurance product which provides death keuntungan benefits with premiums starting from Rp. 25,000. Meanwhile, Berdikari AXA General Insurance, through the DANA application, markets Inpatient Kontan Compensation products with a premium of less than Rp. 50,000 per month through the DANA Waspada program.

"Berdikari AXA General Insurance is committed to providing protection solutions that customers can akses anywhere and anytime. One of the ways we can achieve this is through a taktikc partnership with DANA. As a first tahap, the product we pasar through DANA is Inpatient Kontan Keuntungan which has an affordable premium price with maksimal benefits to complement the health protection needs of the Indonesian people," said Enny, President Director of Berdikari AXA General Insurance.

With this collaboration, life and health insurance products from AFI and MAGI can be accessed through DANA as the largest provider of digital payment instruments in Indonesia. With more than 45 million users, it will be easier to purchase comprehensive insurance products offered by MAGI and AFI through digital payments provided by DANA.

"We are very proud to be working with AXA through the entities AXA Financial Indonesia and Berdikari AXA General Insurance to jointly realize our big vision in expanding inclusive financial serviss in Indonesia. Collaboration with various economic chains is one of the main keys that DANA continues to do to realize this vision. With this collaboration, we want our digital wallet servis users and the public to perasaan the convenience of buying and claiming the best life and health insurance provided by AFI and MAGI digitally, without having to make physical kontak," said Vince Iswara, CEO dan Co. -Founder of DANA.

With the help of technology owned by DANA, DANA digital wallet users who want to purchase life and health insurance products from AXA can easily make payments with various forms of payment devices, such as kredit cards, debet cards, online vouchers and digital wallets. Users can find purchase of life and health insurance products from AXA in the DANA Waspada fitur available in the DANA application. (Also read: Scientists Find The Farthest Galaxy in the Universe, This Is What It Looks Like)