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This local application claims to earn forex trading tasks simpler

This local application claims to earn forex trading tasks simpler

When you want to profession moneys from various nations with the aim of production a revenue ( forex trading), you usually need to go through a relatively complicated process.

Beginning with requiring you to open up an account, confirm information, and make a down payment. This of course takes a great deal of energy and time for investors.

To conserve time and provide better customer support, Handal Semesta Berjangka (HSB) as a fintech company in the area of product futures trading that is developing since March 2018, has developed and introduced an all-in-one application mobile trading system.

This done in one application called HSB Investor integrates account opening up, trading , financial information, and education and learning in one application.

Remarkably, this application isn't just invited by customers in Indonesia. Recently the HSB Investor application won the "Best New Mobile Trading System Indonesia 2020" honor provided by Global Financial & Finance Review.

Brian Christtopher, Electronic Marketing Supervisor of HSB Financial investments, said the company has constantly viewed technical development as the core competitiveness of the company's development.

"We wish to help potential Indonesian customers produce more success tales by providing clear, innovative, and modern online trading solutions ," said Brian, through his declaration, Saturday (24/10/2020).

What are the Features?

This system is declared to have a variety of features that can support customers' forex trading tasks.

Through the HSB Investor application, users can complete all processes from opening up an account, production deals, to withdrawing funds.

This application also includes a great deal of information, consisting of everyday strategy recommendations and residential and worldwide financial information which are upgraded daily as a recommendation for customers.

Offer Unique Education and learning

Additionally, there's also unique education and learning for prospective beginner customers to improve their deal abilities properly.

For customers that have made deals, as an expression of appreciation to customers, HSB often holds various attractive promotions with rewards.

There's also a reward pool promotion weekly, with big rewards and great deals of champions.
